The Violent Century by Lavie Tidhar

Any book by Lavie Tidhar is a must-read. Ever since I chanced upon A Man Lies Dreaming , which I had gobbled up last year, leaving me absolutely gob-smacked about the revolutionary ideas and of course, the mastery of the prose. Tidhar's soaring imagination views our dramatic history, especially that which touches upon the lives of the persecuted jews, with shifting perspectives, asking uncomfortable questions and bringing to light, some of the darker aspects our world's history. The Violent Century is no different. This time, Lavie Tidhar trains his guns on the concept of super-heroes in a century dotted with violent wars, the majority of which is spent on the second world-war, painting this world as an alternate one where 'The Change' has gifted some men with peculiar gifts ( "Ubermensch", super-heroes with interesting powers ) and what consequences this has on the war and the rest of world history. The mind-bending narrative that follows dizzyingly confus...