Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie: A treatise on grim dark
Revenge is a dish we are all very familiar with – We have seen this in movies made immortal by Lee Marvin ( Point Blank ) and Quentin Tarantino ( Kill Bill ) – With a name such as “ Best Served Cold ”, Abercrombie makes no bones about what this book is going to be about. But heck, this is Joe Abercrombie we are talking about. The lord of grim dark , an entirely new sub-genre that he has breathed life into and carved himself a bloody throne out of. So when news comes out that Abercrombie is penning a revenge novel set in the cruel grim world as that of the First Law trilogy, you can’t help feel the goose-bumps break out all over your arms and you wait on a bed of nails until you can dive back into the gore-spattered, crazy dark world slick with blood, sweat and grime, where seasons may change but the only constant thing is death and treachery. While First Law was mostly Abercrombie’s attempt at skewering the standard fantasy tropes and introducing us to som...