
Showing posts from January, 2021

Hall of Smoke by HM Long

Hall of Smoke by HM Long has been on my most-anticipated books for 2021 first quarter for multiple reasons. A comparison to the Brian Staveley 's first series ( Unhewn Throne , one of my all time favourite debut author series!) and the fact that this one's based off the Viking Sagas was enough reason to convince me to dive into this.  After having finished this book now, I can firmly say this is a great start to my reading for this year. Hall of Smoke lives up to the hype and expectations, delivering a solid epic fantasy tale of conflicts between Gods and mortals set in a refreshingly original world, inspired by the Viking tales. Stunning world building, frenetic action and wholly unexpected thrills and twists kept me hooked onto this wonderful tale.  At the centre of the conflict is Hessa, a young warrior-priest dedicated to Goddess Eang, the Goddess of war and one of the most powerful of the faction of New Gods who have overthrown the 'Old Gods'. the tribe of Eang h...

Most Anticipated Books 2021 : Part II Feb 2021

Continuing on with our most-anticipated books series, for 2021 - this is Part-II with some of the hottest new releases in the month of Feb from some of our beloved authors and a sprinkling of new authors!   February 1. A History of What Comes Next by Sylvain Neuvel Showing that truth is stranger than fiction, Sylvain Neuvel weaves a scfi thriller reminiscent of Blake Crouch and Andy Weir, blending a fast moving, darkly satirical look at 1940s rocketry with an exploration of the amorality of progress and the nature of violence in A History of What Comes Next. Always run, never fight.  Preserve the knowledge. Survive at all costs. Take them to the stars. Over 99 identical generations, Mia’s family has shaped human history to push them to the stars, making brutal, wrenching choices and sacrificing countless lives. Her turn comes at the dawn of the age of rocketry. Her mission: to lure Wernher Von Braun away from the Nazi party and into the American rocket program, and secure the ...

Most Anticipated 2021 Books : PART I Jan2020

 Hello all!  Happy New Year once again to all you lovely readers and writers out there. 2020 is something that taught us a lot of indelible lessons of life [instead of branding it as a total washout!] and so this year, let's hope we bring those learnings to life!  So let us start the year with a peekaboo at some of my most anticipated titles of 2021, shall we. And while there is no scientific process of discovery behind it, since that number might run over a significant threshold, we are trying to keep this for only the first quarter of the year. PART I is where we focus on Jan books. Sounds okay?  So let's get to it. Slay that TBR this year, my friends.  January 1. Doors of Sleep by Tim Pratt.   What would you do if you woke up and found yourself in a parallel universe under an alien sky? This is the question Zax Delatree must answer every time he closes his eyes. Every time Zax Delatree falls asleep, he travels to a new reality. He has no control over his...