The Lamb will slaughter the Lion ( Danielle Cain# 1) by Margaret Killjoy
Something about that haunting title, that draws you in. Don't judge a book by its cover but how about it's title then? Well, if this book were to be judged on that dimension, then it comes across every bit as intriguing and engaging as that evocative title. Danielle Cain's first outing is a high energy, razor-sharp no-nonsense post-anarchist surreal novella that is soaring high on ideals and posing uncomfortable questions. Danielle is a traveller, in the truest sense of that word. A nomad who hitchhikes her way through decrepit American heartlands. She is making her way to this place, off the grid and google maps - called Freedom, Iowa that her best friend claimed, is the ideal hipster nomad paradise: As the name suggests, a place free of the yoke of any authorities or rules, governed simply by the good will of its free-hearted citizens. But as Danielle enters the town, she is greeted by this unreal red demoniacal deer with three antlers, whom the townsfolk refer to ...